"How to Face Your Dark Side and Become a Spiritual Warrior" is a profound and transformative podcast episode hosted by Michael Mackintosh, featuring special guest, Shiree. In this enlightening conversation, they delve into the depths of the human psyche and explore the path of facing our 'demons', ultimately transforming these experiences into a source of inner strength and wisdom. Through insightful discussions, practical techniques, and personal experiences, Michael and Shiree guide us on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual growth, empowering us to become spiritual warriors who fearlessly face our dark sides and reclaim our authentic power. This is the companion meditation. Enjoy.
Welcome to our podcast all about the Third Eye and how we can open it. We'll be exploring the many benefits of this practice,...
Discover how your mind shapes your reality in ways you may never have imagined. In this video, we dive into the fascinating connection between...
Arielle guides us with devotion through the 12 jewels of spiritual connection that we all have access to.