The 1-Second Technique to Dissolve Any Problem

March 02, 2025 00:39:19
The 1-Second Technique to Dissolve Any Problem
Spiritual Sense (Spiritual Recharge) How to stay awake and become your higher self
The 1-Second Technique to Dissolve Any Problem

Mar 02 2025 | 00:39:19


Hosted By

Michael Mackintosh Shireen Chada

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[00:00:00] Speaker A: Many blessings. Would you love to know a one second method to transform yourself and transform any problem in a second, in an instant? Right? This is a magical, magical method. It might take a little while to learn this one second method. Once you do learn it, it's like a click of the fingers and you see the whole world in a different way and feel different and your personality changes and your whole awareness changes. So that is what we are diving into today. This is very, very deep and something that you probably won't hear anywhere else. So welcome, welcome, welcome to the podcast. Hello, Shereen. [00:00:41] Speaker B: Hello, Brother Michael. [00:00:43] Speaker A: Yay. So on our spiritual journey, one of the things that we keep coming up against again and again is our sanskaras is a Sanskrit word. It means our tendencies, our attitudes, our background behaviors. Personality is kind of a big word to combine a bunch of different things, habits. And we have negative habits, negative ways of thinking, negative perspectives, attitudes. And a lot of that is causing us problems in our life. And we have a method here which we've learned that can change all of that, make it all disappear in an instant. So what is this magical method? [00:01:37] Speaker B: Yay. Okay, first, let's celebrate. There is a magical method. [00:01:42] Speaker A: There is a magical method. Hooray. Let's give ourselves. I mean, everyone deserves to know these things, that there is something that can work. Because this is the biggest problem we have. Like, if you think about it, the whole world is a mess because people are doing bad things. The reason bad things are happening is because of bad habits and bad attitudes and all this stuff. So if we can remove that, then everything can get better. [00:02:09] Speaker B: So before we give the method, can I share something? [00:02:12] Speaker A: Of course you can. [00:02:14] Speaker B: I feel that our perception, right, is just of the physical world mostly. Right. Most of the people, they're just in the physical world. And I remember one time going for a walk with someone who is a biology major and she was noticing all kinds of things in nature that I wasn't noticing. Right? Like different insects and the exoskeletons of the insects and, you know, the different trees and what's going on with them and all of that. Right. And I was totally oblivious to all of that. And why is that? Is because she had knowledge of these things and she was trained to notice these things. And so I feel that in the same way that there is actually a spiritual world right in front of us, there is a spiritual world. First, we need to have knowledge of the spiritual world. And second, we need to train ourselves to see the spiritual world. And so we. So we have to really Understand the spiritual world and see the spiritual world before we talk about the technique. [00:03:37] Speaker A: Fair enough. Yeah, we. It's a lot of these things, like, they're very powerful, but in order to actually implement the method in a second, there has to be background understanding for it to actually work. You know, so what, what do we need to know then about the spiritual world? [00:03:55] Speaker B: You know, in the physical world, right, Everything is matter. Everything you can see with your eyes, everything you can hear. You know, you can use your physical senses to navigate the physical world. In the spiritual world, things cannot be seen, but they can be understood. And so to be able to understand, we need knowledge, and we need to have spiritual knowledge of three things. We need to have spiritual knowledge of us being souls. Second, we need to have spiritual knowledge of the supreme soul. And third, we need to have spiritual understanding of time or drama or, you know, what is going on in the world. Then you will see these spiritual things because knowledge is everything. The spiritual knowledge is everything. Once you have the spiritual knowledge, then you will have. You will see the spiritual world. Just like the biology major was able to see things that I wasn't able to see because of. Of her knowledge of biology. In the same way, when we have knowledge of spiritual things, then we are able to see the spiritual world, right? [00:05:15] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:05:16] Speaker B: And so knowledge is very, very important. Spiritual knowledge is very important. And so this spiritual world is the first aspect, right? Actually, if you think about it, there's some things in the spiritual world which are very important. It can't be seen. It cannot. You can't hear, whatever. It has to be understood, right? You see with your third eye, you see the spiritual world with your third eye. And also the other very important thing about the spiritual world is that you have to learn to be in it. Every time you get involved in the physical world, then you automatically move away from the spiritual world. And so when you learn to be in it, then you. You slowly start practicing being in it, being in the spiritual world. And, you know, I feel that in the spiritual world, everything is in abundance. Everything is eternal, right? Things are eternal. Everything is abundance. There's. You feel safe. There's no question of you being hurt or things not being there or this or that, right? It's all in abundance. And so. And everything is eternal. So you then you have to understand yourself as an eternal soul. You have to understand God as an eternal being, and you have to understand time as eternal. And then you will see this spiritual world. [00:06:51] Speaker A: All right? So the spiritual world is a different dimension, isn't it? Super. Like simultaneous with the physical world. Because we're spiritual beings in a body. So we're existing on two levels really aren't we? At the same time? Because we're in the physical bodies here and we are consciousness moving it around. And there's also a spiritual, everyone else's spiritual being. So it's like having magic glasses, isn't it? Third eye is like having. I said well it's another eye. But it's like having glasses and you, you can see. Oh there's not just people, there's soul, there's. It's consciousness. There's living beings beyond that and they're everywhere. You know, the human beings have a soul in them and the dog has a soul in it, the cat. So there's all these beings of light everywhere separate from the bodies. It's a completely different awareness. It's like coming into another, another realm, isn't it? There's a movie, I can't remember what it was called. I don't think I saw the whole thing. But some guy. We'll see if we can get a clip of it in here. It. He. He had these special glasses and when he put them on he could read all the advertising messages that what they actually meant. So like he, he was looking around and he put them on and it. All the magazines said Obey, Obey, Obey or buy this thing on like this billboards were like. So that the actual message became clear. Then he took him off and they couldn't see him put them back on again. I saw that was a fascinating movie. This, exactly like that. You put them on and you. But instead of it being this, these dark undercurrent messages, you see everyone's light, everyone's happy, everything's great, it's all good, everything is wonderful. So as soon as those glasses come on it's like bing. It's all better just like that. So we're alluding here to what this magic secret is here. And, and so on a higher level, no matter what's going on down here, everyone is a spiritual being, which means they're all divine, shining, happy light, energy, spiritual, vibrational beings, non physical. And everything in the world is happening for a reason. It's not just random nonsense. It's happening for some bigger reason and there's benefit. And then beyond that the supreme being is sending constantly love and light and peace and is stable and blissful. So. And then there's a world of infinite light and freedom which is unshakable and can't be changed and surrounds everything. So isn't that best news ever? [00:09:58] Speaker B: That is the best news ever. You know, it's important to do a few things in the physical world that would help you to live in the spiritual world. One of the things would be that you have to be equal, neutral in praise and insult. That's really important because it can take you, it can shake you out of the spiritual world very quickly. Is there are three, four things. But that's one thing I always think you have to learn to be neutral to be in the spiritual world. And the one that really affects us is when someone is insulting us or someone is praising us. We become very body conscious, which is the beginning of that technique. We become very body conscious, that is, we become very aware of the labels of the body or that we are a body or that I'm female, male, I so intelligent, I'm so smart, whatever it is, right? All of these labels, this is, that is what we call body consciousness or the body itself is really a byproduct of soul awareness, right? Soul is the one that has consciousness. But body consciousness is the soul is thinking it's the body or it's thinking it's one of the labels of the body. And so when I am getting influenced by someone insulting me or someone praising me, then I lose the ability to be in that spiritual world and to be able to practice this instant technique, right? We have to learn to be in the spiritual world. [00:12:01] Speaker A: So there's, there's a quote which we sort of alluding to here. Can you read the quote? What is it exactly? [00:12:08] Speaker B: In body consciousness, your sanskaras are present. In soul consciousness, your samskaras are not there. [00:12:19] Speaker A: So that's, that's a very deep. So let's just unpack what that means. So in body, so when we think we're a body, when we think I am this person, I am what I look like in the mirror and I'm a certain age and gender and blah blah, blah. When I think I am limited by all these different things, then what comes along with all this stuff is certain samskara, certain habits, certain actions, certain behaviors and ideas, certain attitudes. So there's a whole range of experiences and thought patterns and ways of living and everything that comes along with me thinking I'm this person. And all the negativity is to do with me thinking I'm this person. So there's this massive like block of layers and layers and layers of stuff that we can try and deal with. And oftentimes if you read self help books, it's like try and resolve this one part of your personality by doing this thing and then try this thing for this other thing and just kind of like hacking away at little bits and pieces of what's wrong with us. Right? And now you try and fix this thing and then it doesn't work. And I'm trying to be better person over here and it doesn't work very well and you try and force this to happen and then it backfires and goes the other way and. And it's just a lifelong disaster, frankly. So no wonder people are a bit burnt out after all this self help stuff. It's just like, oh my God, you're never good enough. Never. No matter what you do, there's always more to do and this and that, you know? [00:13:57] Speaker B: No, but we are going at it from like desperation, from frustration that I need to change something and I need to change this or that. Right. We are also going at it from that. Instead of going at it like that to just remain aware of yourself as a soul and that is soul consciousness. It's just become aware of yourself as a soul. And every thing that is problematic in your personality, that is body consciousness, that will fall away in soul consciousness. It's. It doesn't exist because you're in the spiritual world now. Because then it doesn't exist because in the spiritual world everything is in abundance. And all the negativity that you. We are talking about or we are thinking about or we are having to change, that is all in this physical world. And so to be able to get rid of that negativity, all we have to do is come into the spiritual world and become soul conscious. Yeah, simple. [00:15:07] Speaker A: And it disappears. I mean my experience because both Serene and I have spent a long time practicing these things and we can both share what it's like. So let's say I'm having some concern about something, worry about something, blah, blah, blah, whatever it is, right? And that's all body consciousness. And there's certain patterns and thinking patterns and stress energy around something, right? And then this is my personal experience. Then I will sit, go somewhere, sit down and I say to myself, look, I'm not this body. And this is all just fixed. This is all just in the great game of life. And I'm a spiritual being from a spiritual world and this is, this is separate from me. So this is, all this stuff's happening over here and I'm over here and I'm okay. And as soon as I have that consciousness that I'm a spiritual being, then in an instant it feels like what's the problem exactly here? Like what? Like. Like it doesn't matter. Like, what was previously causing me all this emotional stress now doesn't exist. It really is like. It's like coming into a different reality, right? [00:16:23] Speaker B: You know, sometimes you have dreams or nightmares that are so realistic, and you sit, you sleep through them, and you're like, oh, my God, this is happening. And this is happening, and this is happening, and so realistic. You're experiencing everything that's happening in it. And then you wake up and you realize, oh, my God, that was just a dream. It was just a nightmare. What a relief, right? That's how it is, right? You can actually wake up from body consciousness, totally wake up. And then you realize, oh, my God, that is not who I am. I'm this beautiful spiritual being and everything else is just a game, and it's outside of me. It's not me. And that is. What is the spiritual world all about, is you realize who you are and you need a world, right? Like, just like the body, right, needs a world. It needs, you know, it needs a room. It needs hot showers in cold winter days, on cold winter days. It needs food. It needs all of that. It needs a whole world for the body to survive in the same way the soul needs the spiritual world for it to survive, and it's right here. So we need to access that spiritual world and live in it. But we have to make use of some of the things from this physical world to be able to live here. Like, we have to be able to hear the right knowledge, you know, look for the right wisdom, not get into praise and defamation, praise and insult, you know, Remember, I'm an instrument, even if I'm in the physical world. Remember, I'm just an instrument for the divine source for God. So all these things really help me be in the spiritual world. Because the soul needs the whole world to live in. [00:18:26] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. There's that. I mean, it's already there. It's. It's an. It's like an invisible reality. Literally an invisible reality that we just didn't see. And then when you see it, you can come into it and come into the feelings and the consciousness. And it does feel to. To me like going from hell, coming out of hell, you know? I mean, I've experienced this many times where I've definitely been feeling stressed about something, and then I snap out of it, and I think, why was I so stressed? Like, what is. There's nothing to worry about. What? So it literally feels like a button is pressed and all the stress energy is just turned off. Do you know? I mean, that's why those sanskaras, they just kind of disappear down. That's not to say that they don't come back again. That's the issue. So it's like they, you can turn them off in a second. You wake up, you realize I'm a spiritual being and it's all good. And then we might get. Something happens and we get triggered and then, and then it all comes back. So it's not a one click solution and the job is done permanently. Which nice if it was, but we can. It's like turning the light on and the darkness disappears, but then someone turns the light back off again and you're in the darkness again and stumbling around, banging on. [00:19:58] Speaker B: It's not anyone, right? I'm the one turning it off. [00:20:02] Speaker A: Yeah, we, we might get triggered by something, but ultimately we're responsible, aren't we? [00:20:08] Speaker B: Right. And also about the vices, right? We need to not engage with the vices, which is a really tall order. I'm even actually reluctant to say this, but, but to understand, okay, at least one thing we can understand about the vices is that that is my true enemy, my anger, right. It doesn't matter who instigated it, what someone did. If I get angry, that is my enemy. And so to really understand my responsibility in not engaging with the vices and even if all of the vices are very hard, pick a couple that are really self sabotaging, right? Like anger and irritation and being cynical and all of these, right. They're so self sabotaging, we don't need that. And so to really understand that if I'm engaging with that, then that is body consciousness and all my other negative behaviors are coming because of it. It's almost like, you know, this duck and a duckling. Sometimes we have ducks here and they'd like, we'll have 16 ducklings. The mother duck is coming and then these little 16 ducklings are following the mother duck everywhere. They're very cute, but they're really not, not the best thing. [00:21:43] Speaker A: It's a bit of a problem. [00:21:43] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. Really mess up the place. But they're really cute, right? Anyway, so I think body consciousness is the same way. Like one vice, right? Will bring a lot of little duckling vi spices along. [00:22:01] Speaker A: They all seem very sweet, but they grow up into little monsters, don't they? Yeah, Especially the roosters and the chickens. [00:22:06] Speaker B: They can be very loud, right. And so to really understand that, I need to not engage with this one thing that is going to bring so many other things in my life, which is my enemy. Like the monster, right? We all have this one monster that don't, don't wake it up and even if it's awake, try to really kill it. Because if you don't, then we are not understanding the spiritual world. We're not living in the spiritual world, we're not enjoying the spiritual world. And then so many other things are coming and messing up my life. [00:22:54] Speaker A: Yeah, it's a bit of a. This is the whole game, isn't it? The, the vices, you know, anger, greed, lust, attachment, ego, you know, laziness, carelessness, fear and all the sort of sub vices, etc. Etc. They're not ours. This is, this is why that quote is in body consciousness, they're your sanskaras, all devices, negative things. But in soul consciousness, they're not there because they don't belong to us really. The vices, they're all picked up things. And this whole thing of iron, my, isn't it because we are. We identify with certain things and then we say that's who I am, that's what I'm like. That's my thing. But the way to get rid of it is say, no, that's not mine. It's just an energy frequency that I've somehow got from somewhere that somehow got stuck to me. And if I don't think it's mine, it belongs to me, then I can much more easily let it go, you know, just. [00:24:10] Speaker B: Or I don't take support from it. Right. Sometimes we take such support from these things. Let's take anger. We think without anger, things won't get done. If I don't get angry, my children won't listen to me, my spouse won't listen to me, whatever it is. Right. And so we need to understand that I don't need that support. Whatever it is, whatever I felt I needed it in the past, but right now I don't need it support because my support is going to come from the spiritual world. One very important thing is we have to engage with the physical world. Right. We all have to be in the physical world. Yes. And so the way to engage is I am an instrument for the divine source. I'm an instrument for God. That's how you engage in the physical world as an instrument for something higher, something more grand. [00:25:10] Speaker A: Yeah, we've come down here to perform an elevated task of some kind and then we're gonna leave. Yeah, it's a very deep thing that. And what we're talking about this one second thing is, if we try and fight off the vices and negativity one by one, it's a failed job because we're stuck in the thing. It's like we're in a bucket trying to move the bucket, but we're in the bucket. You have to get out of the bucket, then you can move the bucket around. And so when we realize I am not these vices and they don't belong to me, and I'm this naturally spiritual light being in that consciousness, the negativity disappears during that time. And so the longer we spend in that consciousness, the longer that gets strengthened and the less these things get energy. But when we come out of that, then these things come back up again. And if we keep activating them and keep buying into it and keep repeating it, then they keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger. So it's like, which. Which wolf are we feeding? You know that expression, there's the two wolves. Which wolf are we feeding? I like magic things that, like, you make us a flip of the switch sort of thing. Why don't you share your experience with this of something where you were stressed out and then you had this change in consciousness? What did that feel like for you? [00:26:41] Speaker B: In many instances, right? In many instances that really helped. There was this one time, I remember when I. I think maybe when I heard, like, I've been sick several times, but this time when I really heard my cancer diagnosis, right? And I heard that when someone hears that they have cancer, that for three weeks they don't hear anything else because they're busy thinking about that, right? And so I came home and I sat in the meditation room, and I just kept practicing this. I'm a spiritual being. I'm a spiritual being. And over the many months that, you know, the treatment and the surgeries and all of that later, many months, I really felt. Felt, you know, what I am in the spiritual world. That is when the spiritual world really hit home for me. It's like, oh, there is a spiritual world. I just have to be in the spiritual world. In the physical world, all of these things are happening to the body. But in the spiritual world, I am a soul. And so many times I was just able to be so detached from it all, right? There was this one time I was going into surgery, and I was really talking to the supreme soul. I'm saying, I'm a spiritual being. I'm coming home to you. You are the surgeon. You are doing it. All of these things, right? And we go to the operating table and the surgeon, it was a she. And she said, okay, do you mind if we pray? I was like, okay. It's almost like, you know, she was touched by something. Right. And so. And in that time, right in that time of prayer and stuff, I really felt I was in the spiritual world and that everything will be okay in this physical world because I'm in the spiritual world. Like, I'm so glad she took that time to give me time to be in the spiritual world because I'm sure she was a Christian and, you know, whatever she was doing. Right. I was very appreciative of whatever she was doing, but it gave me space to just be in the spiritual world. [00:29:11] Speaker A: That's beautiful. Wow. [00:29:16] Speaker B: So this one second from body consciousness, from labels of the body, this is happening with the body. That's happening with the body to. I'm a beautiful spiritual being and I have incarnated in the physical world to perform a very elevated task. I'm an avatar in the physical world to perform a very elevated task. But actually I'm a spiritual being. It's almost like you're waking up from a nightmare. [00:29:51] Speaker A: It is, it is. It feels like that, doesn't it, that you think, oh, everything is totally fine. It's a little bit hard to explain what this feels like if you haven't had the experience. But I think most people have experienced waking up from a nightmare. I remember I had a very strange dream one time where I went, this is really long years ago when I was at school and had this terrible, terrible dream about all. It was like a very realistic dream. Wasn't like weird monsters appearing out of the walls or anything. It was just a normal dream. Everything went wrong. And then I woke up and I was like, oh, thank God. That was just a dream. And then I went about my day and a bunch of other bad stuff happened. And then I woke up again and realized that that was a dream in a dream. It was a very, very strange thing because it was like double, you know, And I was like, how the hell. So it's sort of a little bit like that. Like we, we're multiple layers down in this dream of life. And you wake up and then you wake up and then you come into this awareness that everything's totally fine. [00:30:59] Speaker B: Yeah. This body consciousness is really multiple layers. [00:31:03] Speaker A: It is. And near death experience people when they have NDEs, they really, a lot of the time go into this, this world and they're like, everything that I was worried about didn't mean anything because I know that I'm totally Fine. And I'm in the light. And it's worth studying if anyone's interested, reading some of these near death experiences from these books and videos. Because people come back from the spiritual. [00:31:29] Speaker B: World, it's a different dimension. [00:31:31] Speaker A: The only thing that matters is love and good feelings. And what was I worried about? All this running around, doing all this stuff and money and stuff and people. So they have a complete change of heart about life and they come into that bigger awareness. So we can, we can have that experience without having to nearly die, right? [00:32:00] Speaker B: With the edge of death. No. Edge of life. Yes. [00:32:03] Speaker A: Yeah. So no need to have a car crash or have a heart attack or something. You can practice this going beyond again and again and again. And the switch, we've talked about this in another session is if you go into the spiritual world like you imagine there's this world of light. God is in the light, spiritual being, and you're in the light. This is all a drama happening like a movie. Then you come back in a drama and you go, here we are. And then you go back into the light. That can happen in a second, back and forth. And then the more you do it, you're like, oh, this actually is fine. And all those sanskaras, all that negativity, you're separate from it. It's like wearing a big layered jacket that's uncomfortable and has spikes and thorns in it. And then you take it off. Ah, that's more like it. So we're wearing body consciousness is like wearing some very uncomfortable, disturbing out misfitted outfits. The horrible and heavy and scratchy. And then you let it go. [00:33:14] Speaker B: You know the paradox of life, right? Counterintuitive paradoxes. They counterintuitive and paradoxes is people think if I take the last drop of pleasure from the body, I'll be happy. You know, like squeeze the last whatever right out of it and do all these body conscious bogey things and everything will be good in life. They are the ones who actually die young. [00:33:43] Speaker A: Strange, isn't it? [00:33:45] Speaker B: And also they're the ones who are the least happy. Right. So soul consciousness really is the answer to everything. Answer to everything. [00:34:01] Speaker A: That's why it's called Jiva mukti. In a second liberation in life. In a second. What a, what a wonderful statement that is. Freedom. Because we wake up and we realize everything's great. We're spiritual beings and the, the game we have to play as spiritual beings is how long can we pull it off for before we go back into the other stuff. [00:34:27] Speaker B: That's why the spir Spiritual world. Establish yourself in the spiritual world as a soul in the spiritual world, interacting with the physical world. But you're back in the spiritual world. You're just visiting the physical world. [00:34:42] Speaker A: Yeah, we come here for entertainment purposes and to do good things. So it's a. It's continuous. We did another session on concentration. It's the same kind of method just to go beyond and come back, come into that higher consciousness, natural awareness. Again and again and again and again. Ah, so this is the secret. One second secret. Once you have to understand some of these things properly. First there are these two realities. Soul consciousness up here, body consciousness. Is this trapped in this iron mind, Me and all this stuff. And then once you get into that, then you can snap out of it. You can liberate yourself. You can be freed in a second. And all the programs of negativity are cancelled. It just. In the. It's exactly the same way that we get triggered in a bad way. Right? Let's say, let's say someone is. Likes to eat certain foods, right? And they're trying not to eat them. And then they see someone eating those foods on a screen. Then they're like that, they see it and they go, oh, right. And now they want it because they saw the thing and then they think, how can I go and get that thing? That's like a. Triggered into a particular habit, right? This sort of thing happens all the time. This is the same sort of process, except we're tapping into higher consciousness. And then it activates a whole range of peace and lightness and freedom and good vibrations. So a whole range of good feelings and higher awarenesses appear in a second. So this, this is basically what's going on on a spiritual life. We're either being pulled into one or into the other. And it's oscillating between these two things. And that is the game, isn't it, Shereen? [00:36:50] Speaker B: That is the game, the great game. [00:36:55] Speaker A: So play the game, have fun. [00:36:57] Speaker B: One second. Soul consciousness. [00:37:00] Speaker A: Yeah. And you, you start with the second and then you can do it again and again and again and again. All right. Yay. What have you got for us? [00:37:14] Speaker B: You want to pick a number? [00:37:16] Speaker A: All right, 75. [00:37:26] Speaker B: Politeness. You allow politeness to guide you, sowing seeds of beauty everywhere you go. You honor the essence of all beings you encounter. You speak your truth with compassion and a pure heart, free from pretenses or any intent to hurt. [00:37:55] Speaker A: Yeah. So that's a natural soul conscious way of being, isn't it? [00:38:01] Speaker B: No pretenses, just being. You people think Being you means oh, do I like pineapple on my pizza or whatever. Right? Being you is really authentic through you, you as a soul, not whether you like pineapple on your pizza or not. [00:38:18] Speaker A: That's right. What kind of special things do we have? It's a very wonderful thing just to be light without really any other thoughts. What a relief. So well, thank you so much, Shireen, for your lovely presence. Thank you Michael and wishing everyone lots of freedom. And as always, we have lots of free trainings and goodies you can get in the description. They're all free. Thanks for being here. If you like this, let us know in the comments how we can help you. If you need anything else, leave a comment. We're happy to create new episodes based on what you want, so tell us and send you lots of love and blessings. Yay.

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