Latest Episodes

The Wandering Mind Podcast: Discovering the Magic of the Human Mind
Michael invites us to unravel and explore the complexity of the mind and tune into the magic that can be created and revealed as...

[Meditation] Resurrection into the Light
Arielle guides us in this meditation with the theme of resurrection, rebirthing into our highest self and reminding us of the eternal inner beauty...

Resurrection into the Light
Arielle guides us in this podcast with the theme of resurrection, rebirthing into our highest self and reminding us of the eternal inner beauty...

[Meditation] Open your Heart
Let go and open to your true being with Michael, in and through your golden heart.

How to Talk with God: 5 Real Ways to Communicate; Recieve Support from the Divine
Discover 5 practical ways to develop connection to the Divine, heal your life and live from your expansive heart.

[Meditation] Removing the Walls to Loving Surrender
Arielle lovingly guides us through the major hindrences in the way of experiencing divine love within.